Welcome to the Junior Livestock Show of Spokane!
**PLEASE ENTER BY APRIL 1. Entries made between April 2 and April 10 will be at DOUBLE the rate. No changes allowed once entries close.**
To enter start by submitting entries and selecting in the following order:
    1. Bubble # 1 above
    2. Department
    3. Division
    4. Class
    5. Add Entry to Cart
    6. Proceed to another entry or check out.
You must do this process above for each division that you want to participate in during the livestock show. Please verify your cart contains all intended entries before checking out.
**Reminder** ALL market animals are to be tagged prior to arriving at the scale. Pick up days have been announced or will be mailed after entries close. Don't forget health forms and required paperwork at check-in.
Please find additional instructions for entering, show rules and schedule on our website: https://www.juniorshow.org.
BBQ Tickets are available to purchase in the online entry system: $15/person (Adults only, Exhibitors eat free). The BBQ is Thursday, May 1, 2025
If you need assistant contact the office at 509.535.6737.
We look forward to seeing you April 30-May 3, 2025!